ceritera hidupku

My photo
tim.18teen.typical girl.pink.:) loved chocolate.cheese.ice cream.ngee~~ love myself.family.friends.:) got a boy??nope n no way(for this moment):) mood:countdown for the final pspm...

Friday, August 20, 2010


Tension mula melanda!!!!

tensionnye hidup hari neyh bile pg td dieorg announce lappy are not allowed after raye season!!!oh,no!!!lps neyh,i'll be under the tempurung lg skali....huhu...

hari neyh,tim da blaja edit lgu...sgt best!!:)
i've successfully learn how to edit song...hee~~~

td jmpe org yg tim suke...sgt happy la jgk hri neyh..wee~_~

that's all for this time...na pergi bsuh kain...huuu~